MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reminds anyone hitting the water this weekend to wear a life jacket.
Winds and summer-like temperatures are in the forecast for Saturday, making the water more inviting than ever after weeks of winter. While Saturday’s te
There’s a new life jacket loaner station installed at the Tecumseh access and three other boat ramps and swim beaches on Norfork Lake thanks to the hard work of Mountain Home, Arkansas, resident Connor Strack.
The life jacket loan stations were completed as an Eagle Scout Project b
Officials warn the public to wear a life jacket after having 10 drownings last summer on Lake Travis. It was the highest number of drownings Lake Travis has had ever in the summer, officials said.
In 2021, 10 people drowned in Lake Travis. That's the highest number of lives lost on the l
UTAH COUNTY — It only takes a few seconds for the calmness to wash over him.
The waves and scenery at Utah Lake give Jason Both an opportunity to breathe.
“It just recharges me,” he said. “After a stressful day at work, I get out here and I just need something to decomp
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Marvel’s Avengers is full of MCU skins now, though Crystal Dynamics’ latest addition to the lineup has Thor fans a bit confused.
Marvel’s Avengers has gone from having no MCU skins to an abundance of them. Over the past several months, fans have seen everything from Iron Man 2&
Whether you're going for a summer stroll or tackling a winter peak, these jackets will keep you comfortable and prepared for anything the trail has to offer.
The strong waterproof shell can be layered on top of your base and midlayers to provide protection against cold wi
But one equally crucial aspect of his survival is that Grosjean was able to emerge from around 29 seconds inside a fireball with only very light burns to his hands.
His fireproof overalls, underwear, socks, balaclava and gloves all did exactly what they were designed to do in protecting
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October 29, 2021 10:03 ET | Source: ReportLinker ReportLinker
New York, Oct. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the