Baker reports he was glad to, adds: "As of today, 59% of the planned diversion work has been completed, including signal upgrades, track and rail replacement."
Ed. note: We're going to assume he means he walked the tracks (without a helmet) at Community College, unless the T is also using the Orange Line timeout to add a Community Center stop.
Replacement tweet, which gets name of station right.
Maybe the project isn't 59% complete. Rather, they've managed to hire 59% of the people they need to complete the job.
They've assembled 59% of the blue-ribbon task force charged with setting parameters for who they need to hire to complete the job.
They're 59% of the way through formulating the requirements for membership on the blue ribbon task force charged with setting parameters et cetera.
I was holding out hope that they might Photoshop on a hard hat and reflective safety vest, but I guess walking around a construction zone without proper PPE isn't a priority for him.
As someone who oversees laboratories where I'm occasionally asked to accommodate photo ops, wearing the required PPE (and properly) is non-negotiable. First of all, because it's actually safety equipment that keeps you safe in a higher risk environment, and because it's required, therefore you need to be wearing it.
I don't know what the T's job site policies are but when I briefly worked in construction, the company had a 100% hard hat requirement within the site, no matter who you are or how far removed from active work you were. Accidents happen, you don't want them to happen when you are nearby without the PPE that would have protected you from harm.
For a drastic increase in liability insurance premiums.
Of how much the state cares about safety.
As someone who IS familiar with the Mbta right of way safety, it is much more strict than a regular construction site (tear away vests, whistle and flashlight, etc.).
This photo opp really drives home the Fed’s point about the lax culture around safety that got us here in the first place. Thanks for nothing Charlie.
It also sends a message. Especially when the T is under scrutiny by the Feds for safety issues.
and the vest dirty his suit. Can't have either.
The risk of having a Dukakis moment evidently outweighed the need for worksite safety.
Yeah, a time-honored foolish tradition. I know I saw Deval Patrick do the same someplace.
Have crucial work grind to a halt because person in the area not wearing the right equipment.
Though, to be completely honest, work would be halted no matter what the Governor (whichever party) was wearing - so the media can record clearly.
He could have been Photoshopped into the picture. There's no need for a hard hat in that case, nor any risk of tripping over the third rail.
Here is the latest version.
On You Tube, the T said it was 55% complete last Friday. I mean, I know it was a holiday week-end, but time is time. 13 days to go!
We call it You T here.
for the train immediately behind this one.
At least he isn’t wearing any carhartt
Yeah like he picked up a hammer and nail and knows what to look for. VP Harris was in Town.
All hail to the carriers of the clipboards!
It's good he road the T once before leaving office (and Diehl takes over, ruling the MBTA with the iron fist it always needed).
He didn't actually ride an Orange Line train. He got on the Orange Line tracks. So his record is still unblemished.
As for Florida Man's preferred Massachusetts iron fist, nope, nope, nope. Healey is our next governor.
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