Canandaigua Emergency Squad: Back-to-school safety tips offered

2022-09-17 02:25:35 By : Mr. Tarius liu

CANANDAIGUA — As summer starts to wind down, parents may begin to think about the upcoming school year and all the logistics involved with getting your kids to and from school.

There are several ways that kids can get to school, including riding the bus, walking, biking, having parents drive them, or driving themselves if they are old enough and able. Talk to your children and learn their new schedules to determine which method of transportation will be best for everyone. No matter which method you choose, make sure that you and your children stay safe on the way to and from school with these safety tips.

Children who ride the bus to school should be aware of the standard rules and best practices for getting on and off the bus and while riding. Be sure to teach your children to wait for the bus away from the road and not to approach the bus before it has made a complete stop. Always wait for the bus driver to give the go-ahead before crossing in front of the bus or in front of any other traffic, and make sure your child is alert and distraction-free when getting on and off the bus. While the bus is in motion, make sure that your child knows to stay seated and buckled at all times.

Children aren’t the only ones who need to follow rules when it comes to school buses.

Obey the law and come to a complete stop when the bus lights are flashing and the stop sign is out. Children can be unpredictable, so ensure that the flashing lights stop completely and the children are safely on the bus or on the sidewalk before you proceed. According to the state Department of Motor Vehicles, you should stop at least 20 feet away from a school bus when its lights are flashing. Keep in mind that buses are required to stop at every railway crossing, so drive slow and keep an appropriate distance from all buses as they may make a quick stop at a railway or to pick up passengers.

If you live close enough and your child is old enough to safely walk unsupervised, you may have them walk to and from school each day. Young children are often impulsive, so they may dart out into traffic if they think they can make it across the street. Be aware of this as a driver and encourage your children to use cross walks and sidewalks.

Make sure that your children are not distracted while walking. Activities like texting, listening to music with headphones, or making TikTok videos while walking and crossing traffic are accident-prone distractions that should be avoided.

Equip your children with the appropriate safety gear, such as reflective backpacks and other clothing, to ensure their safety during low visibility times.

Biking is another option for your children to go to and from school. Not only is this an efficient method of transportation, but it’s also a great way for your kids to get some exercise. If your child chooses to bike to school, make sure that they wear a properly fitted helmet at all times when they are riding. Your child should be educated on how to bike safely with traffic and have pre-determined routes to and from school that you will decide on together before the school year begins.

If your child does not walk, bike, or take the bus, you may choose to drive your children to school. As you approach school facilities, obey school-zone speed limits. Walkers and bikers may be trying to cross the road to get to the school, so be prepared to stop quickly if necessary. Do not drive while distracted. You should not be on the phone, texting, or attempting to multitask with another activity while you drop off or pick up your children from school.

Teenagers may be newly licensed and choose to drive themselves to school. Encourage your young drivers to practice defensive driving without any distractions, including using their phone. Just as when parents drive, make sure that teens look out for any bikers, pedestrians, especially younger children, crossing the road, and ensure that they follow all school bus rules.

No matter how you choose to send your children to school, make sure they arrive safely by following these transportation safety tips. Enjoy the last days of summer and stay safe!

Matt Sproul is chief of Canandaigua Emergency Squad (CES), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit unit that receives no tax-based support. CES responds to more than 7,100 calls per year serving the towns of Canandaigua, Hopewell, Gorham and Bloomfield and the village of East Bloomfield. East Bloomfield Volunteer Ambulance is a division of CES. For more information, go to If you have questions or want to get involved, send emails to