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For those playing Stray, MP1st is here to help with some of the collectibles and hidden items in the game. For this one, we’re here to help players find the Worker jacket and the Worker helmet!
Once you have reached Midtown, you will have to locate a character known as Clementine. They are located on the third floor in an apartment complex near the far end of Midtown. Talk to them, they will tell you that you will need to meet with a character named Blazer in order to get a Battery. They are located in an alleyway near the entrance to the marketplace of Midtown. Once you have talked to them, you will then be tasked with finding a Worker Jacket and Worker Helmet in order for Blazer to help sneak you into the facility holding the battery. Luckily, they aren’t all that far from Blazer, though you’ll need to do a few things to get them.
Down below you’ll find both a text and video guide, detailing exactly where to find the Worker Jacket and Worker Helmet in Stray in order to progress the story.
It doesn’t matter what order you do these in, but we’ll start with the one that needs a bit of work. If you leave the alleyway from where Blazer is, you should see a clothing shop on the left as you exit back into center of Midtown.
It’s an open shop, and inside you’ll find the Worker Jacket with the prompt to steal it. If you try to steal it, the shopkeeper will notice and stop you, so you’ll need to distract that shopkeeper somehow. If you head to the dressing room of the shop, you will notice in the back a radio cassette player that you can use to distract the shopkeeper. Only problem now is that you don’t have a cassette to use. So where do you find the cassette for the cassette player?
Well, start making your way back to the apartment buildings that Clementine was located in. Upon entering, you will notice three NPC robots, one with a radio cassette player. If you talk to them, they will tell you that they will give you a cassette, but only after the security cameras in the complex have been dealt with.
There are three in total, all accessible from the second floor of the complex, so head on up. They are all within each other views and marked on the image down below.
Once you have destroyed all three cameras, make your way back to the NPC below and they will give you a cassette. Now you can go back to the shop and use the cassette player to distract the shopkeeper. You will not be able to steal the Worker Jacket.
Continuing from the clothing shop where you just got the Worker Jacket, go left, towards the center of Midtown. You should see a hologram display, and to the right of it is hat shop.
You won’t be able to enter this shop as If you talk to the unhappy worker on the right, they will tell you about another worker who is late. You’ll need to find this worker, who just so happens to be passed out at a bar near the shop.
Make your way here, and then head to the very back to find the passed out worker. You will need to wake them up. Climb the stepladder in the back, to the shelf above. There is a case of beer bottles that you can knock over onto the worker.
They will wake up and start making their way back to the hat shop. Go back, and jump inside the back that is on the ground and wait for the worker to carry you inside the shop. You can now steal the worker helmet.
Now you can make your way back to Blazer and continue with the story!
If you enjoyed this guide, be sure to share it, and if you are wanting to read up on our other guides for Stray, you can do so here: Stray Guides
Check out our review of Stray right here to see what we think of the game.
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