Norwich Schools start 2022-2023 year with new dress code

2022-08-20 02:57:50 By : Mr. Steve Wang

NORWICH — For elementary and middle school students of Norwich Public Schools, this may be the first year where they’re not wearing a uniform to school.

The district’s board of education in May voted to end its school uniform policy with the prior school year. As of the first day of school on Aug. 31, there will be a new dress code in effect.

Robert Aldi, chair of the Norwich Board of Education, said the possibilities for students are wide open, but are still up to the decision of parents.

“Be discreet in what you select for your clothing or your attire, and don’t embarrass yourself, or your folks or your guardians,” Aldi said.

In short, the policy prohibits clothing and designs that are deemed offensive or revealing, clothing and accessories that can cause an injury, and outdoor wear worn inside the school building. What constitutes offensive, vulgar or disruptive will be "defined by administration."

Revealing clothing includes see-through clothes and anything that exposes undergarments, abdomen, chest or upper thighs.

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The policy specifically prohibits the Nazi swastika and Confederate flag, as well as anything depicting or suggesting violence, anything "that provokes others to act violently or causes others to be intimidated by fear of violence or that constitute 'fighting words.'"

Clothing cannot depict or encourage drug, tobacco or alcohol use. Pajamas and slippers are not allowed unless during a special event, such as themed days, where the administration has condoned them.

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Also not allowed: "metal clothing," such as oversized belt buckles. Spikes and studs on clothing and jewelry are prohibited.

Some clothes and accessories can be allowed for medical or religious reasons. Though the policy does not allow "head coverings," listing items like bandanas, hats and hoods as prohibited, it specifically allows “protective hairstyles.”

Protective hairstyles are defined under the policy as “includes, but is not limited to, wigs, headwraps and hairstyles such as individual braids, cornrows, locs, twists, Bantu knots, afros and afro puffs.”  

Norwich Public Schools dress codeSee the full dress code here

Aldi hopes there’s a positive impact overall, since parents and children wanted to get away from “bland” school uniforms and express themselves. However, if anything goes overboard, the district is still able to reinstate a uniform policy, he said.

“(The students) suffered for two years through that whole pandemic thing,” Aldi said. “Let’s give them a voice and see where it takes us.”