Pedestrians make their way down the Third Street corridor, which also includes a bicycle lane. Police are asking the campus community to stay alert and obey all traffic laws while navigating the busy streets and sidewalks. (Photo provided by Administrative Operations)
The new police chief for the Purdue University Police Department (PUPD) is sharing travel tips as another academic year gets underway on the West Lafayette campus. Chief Lesley Wiete started in her new role earlier this month, and she is reminding students, faculty, staff and visitors to put safety first while navigating streets, sidewalks and bicycle paths.
“As a 22-year veteran of PUPD, I know how busy campus can get during peak times,” Wiete says. “It is absolutely crucial that those traveling on and around campus, whether it be by car, on foot or by motor-powered vehicle, pay attention to their surroundings and obey all posted signs and signals.”
Wiete is asking the campus community to practice the following safety tips:
Bicycles, skateboards and electric or motor-powered vehicles (EMPVs)
Additionally, students, faculty and staff in need of an escort to and from campus buildings for safety purposes may use the Safe Walk Program 24 hours a day by calling 765-494-SAFE (7233).
More information about transportation on campus is available on Purdue’s bikes website, under the Riding on Campus tab.
Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600
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