The Marion Council on Aging has set their events for September. Here’s a look at what they have coming up.
On Monday, Sept. 12 at 1 p.m., a representative from the American Association of Retired Persons will visit to speak on how to navigate all types of living spaces to allow people to remain in their homes, giving solutions on modifications that can be made to your home.
There will be examples of strategies to make homes more accessible. Robin Putnam of the Office of Consumer Affairs will be present to share knowledge on hiring a contractor and how to avoid taking advantage of when hiring a home repair contractor.
Executive Director Kristina Gardiner, of Annie Maxim House, Inc. Housing Assistance Program will offer information on this resource. If your home has repairs that you cannot afford to fix, this program provides funding for small home repairs to enhance the health, safety and quality of life for elders who are age 62 or older.
To attend this event, RSVP at 508-748-3570.
On Friday, Sept. 16 at 1 p.m., join Judy Marzolk from The Joys of Nature for a presentation on the wide variety of birds that may be in your backyard.
Learn what will make a good backyard habitat for them, how to attract and keep attracting those beautiful birds, and which birds are locals and which are occasional visitors.
Experience the sights and sounds of our most beautiful neighbors.
For a performance, join the Council on Aging on Monday, Sept. 19 at 1 p.m. The Culture Park Uncommon Lunch Players will be presenting a selection of fun, entertaining and relevant short plays by local and regional playwrights.
On Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 12 p.m., get ideas for cooking lunch. Join Linda Medeiros and learn how to prepare a quick and nutritious lunch. Learn some tips and tricks on how to save money and time while preparing delicious meals. Bring your appetite!
Call 508-748-3570 to make your reservation. A suggested donation of $5.00 is requested.
Bingo is on Monday, Sept 26 at 1 p.m. Try your luck in this game of chance. Cost to play is $5.00 for a standard pack of play, $1.00 for coverall and $1.00 for 50/50 game. Call to reserve your lunch before the game.
On Friday, Sept. 30 at 1 p.m., join Frank McNamee as he gives a history of the Marconi Telegraph Station. At one time, it was the world’s largest. It was the main campus in the U.S. where Marconi sent the signals across the Atlantic. Learn interesting facts about Marion’s place in telegraph history.