Game and Fish: Chronic wasting disease detected in five new elk, four new deer hunt areas in 2021 - Casper, WY Oil City News

2022-05-14 19:02:01 By : Ms. Rachel Ma

A lymph node sample for chronic wasting disease testing. (Wyoming Game and Fish)

CASPER, Wyo. — The Wyoming Game and Fish Department said in a news release Monday that its Wildlife Health Laboratory tested 6,884 big game animal samples for chronic wasting disease in 2021, with 831 samples coming back positive.

The department said that 829 of 6,486 samples were positive for chronic wasting disease in 2020 after 568 of 5,067 samples tested positive in 2019. While the number of positive cases has increased, Wildlife Health Laboratory supervisor Hank Edwards cautioned against drawing too many conclusions because the department’s chronic wasting disease surveillance program focuses on different deer and elk herds each year.

“That said, we can say the prevalence of CWD is slowly increasing in most deer and elk herd units in the state, Edwards said.

The disease was detected in five new elk hunt areas and four new deer hunt areas in 2021. Game and Fish said the disease is “a chronic, fatal disease of the central nervous system” impacting mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose.

“It belongs to the group of rare diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies,” Game and Fish said. “These disorders are caused by abnormally folded proteins called prions. Early in the disease animals don’t show any clinical signs. Later on, affected animals show progressive weight loss, reluctance to move, excessive salivation, droopy ears, increased drinking and urinating, lethargy and eventually death.”

Game and Fish tests samples obtained from hunters, roadkill and other animals found dead or in poor condition as part of its chronic disease wasting surveillance efforts. The majority of 2021 samples were collected by Game and Fish field personnel at hunter check stations or through hunter submissions at regional offices.

The department implemented some mandatory sampling for the first time in 2021, requiring hunters in Deer Hunt Areas 96 and 97 to submit samples. The department also held a raffle encouraging hunters to submit samples from targeted hunt areas, and they said that both of these efforts helped increase the total number of samples during the year.

“Chronic wasting disease is a major concern for Game and Fish and we sincerely thank all those who contributed samples from their deer, elk and moose,” Edward said. “These samples help us better understand the prevalence and distribution of this disease in our state.” Game and Fish also announced winners of the 2021 raffles as follows:

Tier I — Ryan Marti, Morgantown, West Virginia: Nosler 48 Special Ed. (28 Nosler) rifle with Leupold VX-5HD 3-15X44MM scope. — Shane Rogers, Ojai, California: Weatherby Vanguard High Country rifle (6.5 CMR) with Maven RS.1 2.5-15X44 FFP scope. — Philip Bunker, Gillette, Wyoming: Maven S.1S 25-50X80 spotting scope. — Christopher Emanuele, Waterford, Pennsylvania: First Lite Clothing Package (Catalyst softshell jacket, Obsidian merino pants, Kiln 250 aerowool hoody). Tier II — Andrew Miller, Horseheads, New York: Weatherby Vanguard Weatherguard (.270 win). — Tanner Verplancke, Buffalo, Wyoming: Maven B.1 10X42 binoculars. — Peter Alexander, Wilson, Wyoming: KUIU Valo Camo Pro 3600 Full Kit backpack.

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